Ketone synthesized cobaloxime/organocobaloxime catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis from CO2 and epoxides: Characterization and electrochemistry     
Ahmet Kılıç
Harran Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Mahmut Ulusoy
Mustafa Durgun
Harran Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Emine Aytar
Öğr. Gör. Dr. Metin DAĞDEVİREN
Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye
İsmail Yılmaz
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Herein we report the synthesis and characterization of a new series of synthesized mono- and trinuclear cobaloxime/organocobaloximes from ketone that act as catalysts for cyclic carbonate synthesis from CO2 and epoxides under appropriate conditions (2 h, 100 °C and 1.6 MPa pressure). These reactions were carried out with and without co-catalyst, namely, 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP), pyridine (py), triethyl amine (NEt3) or triphenyl phosphine (PPh3). In the catalytic experiments, the 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) was used as co-catalyst, since the DMAP was a more active base with higher yield compared to other Lewis bases. In addition, various factors influencing the cycloaddition reaction, such as co-catalyst, temperature, CO2 pressure and reaction time, were investigated. A dioxime ligand (LH2) (1) was obtained in two steps from 4-methylpropiophenone as ketone. Reaction of CoCl2.6H2O with the dioxime ligand (LH2) (1) and 4-tertbutyl pyridine afforded six-coordinate mononuclear cobaloxime or organocobaloxime (2-3) complexes. The mononuclear cobaloxime or organocobaloxime (2-3) complexes were used as precursors for building trinuclear cobaloximes or organocobaloxime (4-11) complexes. All compounds were fully characterized by 1H and 13C NMR spectra, FT-IR spectra, UV-Vis spectra, molar conductivity measurements, melting point measurements, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and LC-MS spectroscopic studies as well as by cyclic voltammetry. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cobaloxime,Electrochemistry,Spectroscopy,Carbon dioxide,Cyclic carbonate
Makale Türü Özgün Makale
Makale Alt Türü SSCI, AHCI, SCI, SCI-Exp dergilerinde yayımlanan tam makale
Dergi Adı Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Dergi ISSN 0022-328X
Dergi Tarandığı Indeksler SCI-Expanded
Makale Dili Türkçe
Basım Tarihi 01-2014
Cilt No 767
Doi Numarası 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2014.05.023
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