Iranian Qara Qat fruit (redcurrant) in Arasbaran forests as the resource of anthocyanin pigments in formation of [ACN-Mg2+/Al3+/Ga3+/ Sn2+/Cr3+/Fe3+] chelation clusters    
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Fatemeh MOLLAAMIN
Kastamonu Üniversitesi
Nayer T. Mohammadian
Narges Najaflou
Majid Monajjemi
Clusters of metallic cations (Mg2+, Al3+, Ga3+, Sn2+, Cr3+ and Fe3+) jointed to anthocyanins in water media were studied for unraveling the color shifting of different complexes of these structures in the low ranges of pH. Anthocyanin jointed to metallic cation progresses the color expression range of anthocyanin in more different range of pH. In this verdict, it has been studied the metallic cations diffusing of deprotonating for the anthocyanin (B)-ring of cyanidin (Cy), delphinidin (Dp) and petunidin (Pt) in two media of gas and water, transforming flavylium cations to the blue quinonoidal bases at lower range of pH applying the infrared method by approaching Beer Lambert law for getting the physico-chemical parameters of frequency, intensity, and absorbance of the compounds, respectively. In previous investigation, it has been indicated that the important factor for enhancing the absorbance in a positive non-linear fashion due to deviating from the Beer Lambert law is the self-association of anthocyanins of cyanidin, delphinidin and petunidin of anthocyanin structures. The difference of heat of formation (∆HR) among clusters of metallic cations jointed to anthocyanins has been illustrated toward the double bonds and carbonyl groups by the chelation of (B)-ring for cyanidin, delphinidin and petunidin anthocyanins in two media of gas and water that explains the stability and color of [anthocyanin-metallic cations] cluster chelation of cyanidin (Cy), delphinidin (Dp) and petunidin (Pt) colorful pigments in a weak acidic medium. By this work we exhibited that the color of the anthocyanin chelates is an important factor for estimating the efficiency of these types of food colorants.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anthocyanin-metal chelate | Cyanidin (Cy) | Delphinidin (Dp) | Iranian Qara Qat fruit | Petunidin (Pt) | [anthocyanin-metallic cations of (Mg , Al , Ga , Sn , Cr and Fe )] cluster chelation 2+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 3+
Makale Türü Özgün Makale
Makale Alt Türü SCOPUS dergilerinde yayımlanan tam makale
Dergi Adı SN Applied Sciences
Dergi ISSN 2523-3971
Dergi Tarandığı Indeksler
Makale Dili İngilizce
Basım Tarihi 04-2021
Cilt No 3
Sayı 4
Doi Numarası 10.1007/s42452-021-04413-x