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![]() Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
Özet |
Advanced text mining methodologies, specifically the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), have been effectively leveraged to extract valuable insights from European Environment Agency (EEA) reports pertaining to waste and recycling. The LDA technique, a formidable natural language processing approach, has been instrumental in unearthing hidden patterns and concerns from voluminous text datasets. In this context, LDA has been used to generate appropriate labels and classifications for the diverse facets of waste management and recycling practices. This technique entails analyzing the frequency and co-occurrence of words in documents, thereby allowing the algorithm to discern crucial topics that are often intertwined. The technique has been able to label these issues with great efficacy by presenting concise descriptions of the most commonly occurring problems and advancements in waste management. Through the utilization of text mining techniques, an opportunity is presented for stakeholders, policy makers and researchers to obtain synthesized information through labels that encapsulate the core of complex reports. With an improvement in accessibility and comprehension, the European Environment Agency (EEA) is able to encourage more informed decision-making and strategic planning in waste management and recycling across Europe. Consequently, the EEA's integration of LDA as a text mining analyze waste and recycling reports could revolutionize data understanding. The automated production of labels via LDA presents a streamlined approach to isolate key issues in reports, provide superior insights for stakeholders, and facilitate evidence-based action in the pursuit of more sustainable waste management practices. |
Anahtar Kelimeler |
European Environment Agency | Latent Dirichlet allocation | Recycling | Sustainable | Waste |
Kitap Adı | Springer Water |
Bölüm(ler) | Labeling of European Environment Agency Waste and Recycling Reports with LDA Analysis |
Kitap Türü | Kitap Bölümü |
Kitap Alt Türü | Alanında uluslararası yayımlanan kitap bölümü |
Kitap Niteliği | Scopus indeksinde taranan bilimsel kitap |
Kitap Dili | İngilizce |
Basım Tarihi | 01-2024 |
ISBN | 978-3-031-55664-7 |
Basıldığı Ülke | Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
Basıldığı Şehir |