Exploring the relationship between creativity and cyberloafing of prospective teachers    
Doç. Dr. İbrahim AKAR
Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye
Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the relationship between creativity and cyberloafing. To achieve this purpose, researchers used the explanatory purposed correlational research design of the quantitative method. Participants were 597 prospective teachers at a college of education at a public university in Turkey. A demographic information form, Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale (K-DOCS), and Cyberloafing Scale were used to collect data. Preliminary analyses were conducted and Pearson-product moment correlation coefficients were calculated to analyze the data. Findings showed that there is a significant positive but small relationship between creativity and cyberloafing. Furthermore, significant positive but also small relationships were found between creativity scores and cyberloafing subscores, cyberloafing scores and creativity subscores, creativity subscores, and cyberloafing subscores. Only one significant positive but medium relationship was found between creativity subscale 2 (mechanical/scientific) and cyberloafing subscale 5 (gaming/gambling). Findings were discussed concerning the relevant literature and implications for further studies and for the field of teacher education were presented.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Creativity | Cyberloafing | Prospective teachers | Relationship
Makale Türü Özgün Makale
Makale Alt Türü SSCI, AHCI, SCI, SCI-Exp dergilerinde yayımlanan tam makale
Dergi Adı Thinking Skills and Creativity
Dergi ISSN 1871-1871
Dergi Tarandığı Indeksler SSCI
Dergi Grubu Q1
Makale Dili İngilizce
Basım Tarihi 12-2020
Cilt No 38
Sayı 38
Sayfalar 1 / 9
Doi Numarası 10.1016/j.tsc.2020.100724
Makale Linki
BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları
Atıf Sayıları
Exploring the relationship between creativity and cyberloafing of prospective teachers
