Funda Bulut
Kastamonu University, Turkey
Kastamonu University, Turkey
The values that facilitate the adaptation of the human beings to the society, create a balance in the society by contributing to the distinction of good and bad, right and wrong, and enable individuals to live in peace, trust and harmony. Values education, which has gained importance in our country in recent years, has been an issue emphasized in educational practices. Özgür Aras Tüfek, one of the names that included values education in his novels, brought the first works of Islamic Turkish Literature to the world of fiction and wrote a different series of children's novels. In the first work titled Bir Kelime Seyyahı (A Word Traveler) of the series named “Türkçenin Muhafızları” (Turkish Conservers), Kaşgarlı Mahmut; Ali Şîr Nevâî in Simurg'a Yolculuk (Journey to Simurg); Mutluluk Bilgisi (In the Knowledge of Happiness), Yusuf Has Hacib's; He also described the life of Edip Ahmet Yüknekî's Kelimelerin Işığı (The Light of Words). These four books contain many values that can be used in values education beyond novelizing the life stories of great personalities of the Turkish language. The main purpose of this research is to examine the contribution of Özgür Aras Tüfek novels to children's literature and values education. In the research using the case study design one of the qualitative research methods, the “Conservers of Turkish” series was examined according to the 6-value classification of Allport, Lindzey and Vernon (1960) and how the values were processed was revealed. According to this classification, it has been determined that the works of Özgür Aras Tüfek mostly include social values, at least aesthetic and political values. The values of love for learning and love of teaching were intensively studied in the novels; It has been observed that there are many values that should be given to students such as kindness, solidarity, natural awareness, justice, righteousness, diligence, love of the country and nation, respect and humility.
Anahtar Kelimeler
children's literature | değerler eğitimi | Türkçenin Muhafızları | Türkçenin Muhafızları (Conservers of the Turkish) | values education | works of Islamic period Turkish literature | çocuk edebiyatı | Özgür Aras Tüfek | Özgür Aras Tüfek | İslami Dönem Türk Edebiyatı eserleri
Makale Türü Özgün Makale
Makale Alt Türü SCOPUS dergilerinde yayımlanan tam makale
Dergi Adı Milli Egitim
Dergi ISSN 1302-5600
Makale Dili İngilizce
Basım Tarihi 01-2021
Cilt No 50
Sayı 230
Sayfalar 769 / 793
Doi Numarası 10.37669/milliegitim.691929