Yazarlar (1) |
![]() Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
Özet |
Curiosity in culture shock and its outcomes has increased, but there has not yet been a clear comprehension of the transformative process of this phenomenon. This study attempts to clarify the culture shock experiences of tourists from the perspective of transformative learning theory and to explore related permanent changes in tourists’ attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and feelings. Through a hermeneutic approach, this study reviews and discusses the main components of tourists’ culture shock and its transformative process. This study proposes that culture shock experienced at the tourist destination triggers transformation. Transformative process of the culture shock of tourists is modeled in six steps, by illustrating with a model: Fancy, disorienting dilemma, self-evaluation, liminality, coping strategies, and transformation. This proposed model presents a conceptual foundation for further investigation and is proper for planning tourists’ transformative culture shock experiences. |
Anahtar Kelimeler |
Kitap Adı | Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism |
Bölüm(ler) | Culture Shock Experiences of Tourists: A Transformative Perspective |
Kitap Türü | Kitap Bölümü |
Kitap Alt Türü | Alanında uluslararası yayımlanan kitap bölümü |
Kitap Niteliği | Scopus indeksinde taranan bilimsel kitap |
Kitap Dili | İngilizce |
Basım Tarihi | 01-2022 |
ISBN | 9780367752873 |
Basıldığı Ülke | |
Basıldığı Şehir |