Yazarlar (2) |
![]() Next Big Thing, United Kingdom |
![]() Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Türkiye |
Özet |
The digital transformation not only changed the way of doing business but also reshaped marketing activities and customer decision mechanisms from head to tail. Previously, customers were realizing their need for a product when they saw a printed billboard or brochure. The rise of digital channels has already completely reshaped this whole process. When customers were in need of a product, they immediately started researching on the web, examining every detail about the product, reading customer reviews and most importantly comparing it with its competitor's product, in order to make sure that they made the right choice. However, many customers still preferred offline, face-to-face interaction for the final touch in the purchasing process. Then, COVID- 19 happened, and customers changed, new habits were formed. The momentum of digital transformation has surpassed our expectations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Customer behaviours, decision-making processes, and habits quickly adapted to the digital world. Due to safety and health concerns as well as COVID-19 restrictions and endless days at home, customers turned to digital channels not only to get essential purchases but also to feel connected to the world. How customers discover and buy products and services changed. Online shopping became the new normal. The subscription economy grew consistently. During this time, companies have also adopted new approaches. They came to realise that the seismic shift to online was here to stay and they were now serving digital customers. They also realised that digital marketing was the mandatory channel to meet their customers' needs and stay alive. Therefore, digital marketing has become one of the most important components in their response to the changing customer decision-making process. In this new normal, reaching and engaging customer online are well-placed for success. In this study, we will be covering types of changes in the behaviours of consumers in terms of decision-making process and marketers' approaches to cope with these changes. |
Anahtar Kelimeler |
COVID-19 | Customer decision-making | Digital marketing |
Kitap Adı | Pandemics and Consumer Behavior |
Bölüm(ler) | Effects of digital marketing on consumer decision-making process during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Kitap Türü | Kitap Bölümü |
Kitap Alt Türü | Alanında uluslararası yayımlanan kitap bölümü |
Kitap Niteliği | Scopus indeksinde taranan bilimsel kitap |
Kitap Dili | İngilizce |
Basım Tarihi | 09-2022 |
ISBN | 979-888697289-4,979-888697255-9 |
Basıldığı Ülke | |
Basıldığı Şehir |