In Table 7 of this article, the data in the last column headed X were mistakenly listed. The Table 7 should have appeared as shown below. There is no X next to (%) in the last column (Table presented.) (Table presented.) Incorrect version of Table 7 PALSAR-FNF 2018 coverage versus KRDF geodatabase (former extent) FM 2014 (ha) PALSAR-FNF 2018 (ha) Forest Non-Forest Water Total User accuracy (%) X Forest 1,145,164 233,698.2 398.52 1,379,261 83.03 X Non-Forest 89,920.81 405,201.7 4196.82 499,319 81.15 X Water 3655.7 5511.14 5918.23 15,085.1 39.232 X Total 1,238,741 644,411 10,513.6 1,893,666 X Producer accuracy (%) 92.4 62.9 56.3 OA: 82.18 X Correct version of Table 7 PALSAR-FNF 2018 coverage versus KRDF geodatabase (former extent) FM 2014 (ha) PALSAR-FNF 2018 (ha) Forest Non-Forest Water Total User accuracy (%) X Forest 1,145,164 233,698.2 398.52 1,379,261 83.03 Non-Forest 89,920.81 405,201.7 4196.82 499,319 81.15 Water 3655.7 5511.14 5918.23 15,085.1 39.232 Total 1,238,741 644,411 10,513.6 1,893,666 Producer accuracy (%) 92.4 62.9 56.3 OA: 82.18 Besides, Page 6: Sub-section "Results and discussion" should be Results; Page 6: Sub-section "ESRI land-cover evaluation" should be ESRI Land-cover evaluation; Page 8: Sub-section "Resuls and discussion" should be Discussion The original article has been corrected. |