Toplam 24348 kayıt

The Juche System and the DPR Korea Media as Official Mouthpiece of the Kim Family: Pyongyang Times Newspaper Website Analysis

Link    GÜVEN, E. (2019) "The Juche System and the DPR Korea Media as Official Mouthpiece of the Kim Family: Pyongyang Times Newspaper Website Analysis", Global Media Journal TR Edition, 10 (19) pp. 194-215 Link   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23343"> GÜVEN, E. (2019) "The Juche System and the DPR Korea Media as Official Mouthpiece of the Kim Family: Pyongyang Times Newspaper Website Analysis", Global Media Journal TR Edition, 10 (19) pp. 194-215 Link    GÜVEN, E. (2019) "The Juche System and the DPR Korea Media as Official Mouthpiece of the Kim Family: Pyongyang Times Newspaper Website Analysis", Global Media Journal TR Edition, 10 (19) pp. 194-215 Link   
2019 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Global Media Journal TR Edition

The Image and the Perception of the Turk in Freedom s Journal

   GÜVEN, E. (2016) "The Image and the Perception of the Turk in Freedom s Journal", Journalism History, 41 (4) pp. 191-199    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23345"> GÜVEN, E. (2016) "The Image and the Perception of the Turk in Freedom s Journal", Journalism History, 41 (4) pp. 191-199     GÜVEN, E. (2016) "The Image and the Perception of the Turk in Freedom s Journal", Journalism History, 41 (4) pp. 191-199    
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journalism History


Link DOI    GÜVEN, E., Kanık, İ. (2016) "EVERYBODY SHOULD WITNESS OUR HAPPINESS MATRIMONIAL SHOWS ON TURKISH TELEVISION CHANNELS", Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (1) pp. 102-117 [TR Dizin] Link DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23346"> GÜVEN, E., Kanık, İ. (2016) "EVERYBODY SHOULD WITNESS OUR HAPPINESS MATRIMONIAL SHOWS ON TURKISH TELEVISION CHANNELS", Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (1) pp. 102-117 [TR Dizin] Link DOI    GÜVEN, E., Kanık, İ. (2016) "EVERYBODY SHOULD WITNESS OUR HAPPINESS MATRIMONIAL SHOWS ON TURKISH TELEVISION CHANNELS", Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (1) pp. 102-117 [TR Dizin] Link DOI   
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Korku İletişimi: Küresel Terör ve İletişim Metotları

GÜVEN, E. (2023) "Korku İletişimi: Küresel Terör ve İletişim Metotları", Ankara/Türkiye : Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN: 978-625-397-914-0  GÜVEN, E. (2023) "Korku İletişimi: Küresel Terör ve İletişim Metotları", Ankara/Türkiye : Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, ISBN: 978-625-397-914-0 
2023 Araştırma/Bilimsel Kitap (Tez Hariç) SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık

Internet and Journalism in North Korea:Strict Media Control in the Globalization Era

  GÜVEN, E. (2019) "Internet and Journalism in North Korea:Strict Media Control in the Globalization Era", The World Conference on Social Sciences Humanities , (Aralık 2019 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23356"> GÜVEN, E. (2019) "Internet and Journalism in North Korea:Strict Media Control in the Globalization Era", The World Conference on Social Sciences Humanities , (Aralık 2019  GÜVEN, E. (2019) "Internet and Journalism in North Korea:Strict Media Control in the Globalization Era", The World Conference on Social Sciences Humanities , (Aralık 2019 
2019 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The World Conference on Social Sciences Humanities

“Videolarıma Sahip Olabilirsin Ama Ruhuma Asla”: Yeni Eşitsizliğin Tezahürü Olarak Canlı Webcam Siteleri

GÜVEN, E. (2019) "“Videolarıma Sahip Olabilirsin Ama Ruhuma Asla”: Yeni Eşitsizliğin Tezahürü Olarak Canlı Webcam Siteleri", VI. YILDIZ ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL BİLİMLER KONGRESİ , (Aralık 2019 GÜVEN, E. (2019) "“Videolarıma Sahip Olabilirsin Ama Ruhuma Asla”: Yeni Eşitsizliğin Tezahürü Olarak Canlı Webcam Siteleri", VI. YILDIZ ULUSLARARASI SOSYAL BİLİMLER KONGRESİ , (Aralık 2019
2019 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus


  GÜVEN, E. (2019) "MUHAMMAD ALI AS GLOBAL SPORTS ICON: HIS EFFECT OVER THE TURKISH AUDIENCE", MIRDEC-15th, International Academic Conference on Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies(Global Meeting of Social Science Community) , (pp. 51-67), Barcelona, İspanya, (Aralık 2019 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23358"> GÜVEN, E. (2019) "MUHAMMAD ALI AS GLOBAL SPORTS ICON: HIS EFFECT OVER THE TURKISH AUDIENCE", MIRDEC-15th, International Academic Conference on Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies(Global Meeting of Social Science Community) , (pp. 51-67), Barcelona, İspanya, (Aralık 2019  GÜVEN, E. (2019) "MUHAMMAD ALI AS GLOBAL SPORTS ICON: HIS EFFECT OVER THE TURKISH AUDIENCE", MIRDEC-15th, International Academic Conference on Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies(Global Meeting of Social Science Community) , (pp. 51-67), Barcelona, İspanya, (Aralık 2019 
2019 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
MIRDEC-15th, International Academic Conference on Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies(Global Meeting of Social Science Community)

Everyday Life Social Customs and Architecture Caucasian Communities in the Middle East

GÜVEN, E., Yılmazata, M., Parlak, L. (2013) "Everyday Life Social Customs and Architecture Caucasian Communities in the Middle East", The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies , Lund, İsveç, (Eylül 2013 GÜVEN, E., Yılmazata, M., Parlak, L. (2013) "Everyday Life Social Customs and Architecture Caucasian Communities in the Middle East", The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies , Lund, İsveç, (Eylül 2013
2013 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies

From Arranged Marriage to Televised Dating Matrimonial Shows on Turkish Televisions

GÜVEN, E., Kanık, İ. (2013) "From Arranged Marriage to Televised Dating Matrimonial Shows on Turkish Televisions", The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies , Lund, İsveç, (Eylül 2013 GÜVEN, E., Kanık, İ. (2013) "From Arranged Marriage to Televised Dating Matrimonial Shows on Turkish Televisions", The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies , Lund, İsveç, (Eylül 2013
2013 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle East Studies

Social Movements in the Digital Age Their Reflection in the Middle East and the Effect of Social Media

  GÜVEN, E. (2014) "Social Movements in the Digital Age Their Reflection in the Middle East and the Effect of Social Media", The Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences , (pp. 761-768), Osaka, Japonya, (Haziran 2014 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23362"> GÜVEN, E. (2014) "Social Movements in the Digital Age Their Reflection in the Middle East and the Effect of Social Media", The Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences , (pp. 761-768), Osaka, Japonya, (Haziran 2014  GÜVEN, E. (2014) "Social Movements in the Digital Age Their Reflection in the Middle East and the Effect of Social Media", The Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences , (pp. 761-768), Osaka, Japonya, (Haziran 2014 
2014 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Fifth Asian Conference on the Social Sciences

Eğitim Psikolojisi

KARACİK, Ş. (2008) "Eğitim Psikolojisi", : Lisans Yayıncılık, ISBN: 111 Kitap Bölümü KARACİK, Ş. (2008) "Eğitim Psikolojisi", : Lisans Yayıncılık, ISBN: 111 Kitap Bölümü
2008 Kitap Bölümü SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Lisans Yayıncılık

Assesment of trap color and trap height above the ground on the capture of Ips sexdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius

Link DOI      AKKUZU, E., Şahin, M., UGIŞ, A., Bal, E. (2021) "Assesment of trap color and trap height above the ground on the capture of Ips sexdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius", SUMARSKI LIST, 145 (3) pp. 169-174 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23365"> AKKUZU, E., Şahin, M., UGIŞ, A., Bal, E. (2021) "Assesment of trap color and trap height above the ground on the capture of Ips sexdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius", SUMARSKI LIST, 145 (3) pp. 169-174 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI      AKKUZU, E., Şahin, M., UGIŞ, A., Bal, E. (2021) "Assesment of trap color and trap height above the ground on the capture of Ips sexdentatus and Thanasimus formicarius", SUMARSKI LIST, 145 (3) pp. 169-174 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Growing Mushrooms: A Review

Link     Alzand, K.I., Boufaris, M.S.M., UGIŞ, A. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Growing Mushrooms: A Review", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Researh, 8 (3) pp. 31-46 Link    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23366"> Alzand, K.I., Boufaris, M.S.M., UGIŞ, A. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Growing Mushrooms: A Review", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Researh, 8 (3) pp. 31-46 Link     Alzand, K.I., Boufaris, M.S.M., UGIŞ, A. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Edible Wild Growing Mushrooms: A Review", World Journal of Pharmaceutical Researh, 8 (3) pp. 31-46 Link    
2019 Diğer (Teknik, not, yorum, vaka takdimi, editöre mektup, özet, kitap krıtiği, araştırma notu, bilirkişi raporu ve benzeri) SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Researh

Kastamonu Yöresi Beyler ve Karaçomak Baraji Gölü Sucul Kuşları

Link     UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2016) "Kastamonu Yöresi Beyler ve Karaçomak Baraji Gölü Sucul Kuşları", Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, (0) [ESCI] Link    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23369"> UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2016) "Kastamonu Yöresi Beyler ve Karaçomak Baraji Gölü Sucul Kuşları", Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, (0) [ESCI] Link     UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2016) "Kastamonu Yöresi Beyler ve Karaçomak Baraji Gölü Sucul Kuşları", Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, (0) [ESCI] Link    
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi

Maximum Entropy Modelling of Some Large Mammals in Kastamonu Region

UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2022) "Maximum Entropy Modelling of Some Large Mammals in Kastamonu Region", 3rd International Conference on Envireonment and Forest Conservation, Environment and Conservation Towards a Resillient and Sustainable Ecosystem in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Era , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022 UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2022) "Maximum Entropy Modelling of Some Large Mammals in Kastamonu Region", 3rd International Conference on Envireonment and Forest Conservation, Environment and Conservation Towards a Resillient and Sustainable Ecosystem in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Era , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022
2022 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
3rd International Conference on Envireonment and Forest Conservation, Environment and Conservation Towards a Resillient and Sustainable Ecosystem in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic Era

Habitat Suitability Model of Some Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Ballıdağ and Kurtgirmez Region Under Current and Future Climate Scenarios

UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2023) "Habitat Suitability Model of Some Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Ballıdağ and Kurtgirmez Region Under Current and Future Climate Scenarios", 4 th International Conference on Envirenment and Forest Conservation , Davao, Filipinler, (Kasım 2023 UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2023) "Habitat Suitability Model of Some Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Ballıdağ and Kurtgirmez Region Under Current and Future Climate Scenarios", 4 th International Conference on Envirenment and Forest Conservation , Davao, Filipinler, (Kasım 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
4 th International Conference on Envirenment and Forest Conservation

Determining The Activity Pattern of The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) inKastamonu

KALLECİ, B., EVCİN, Ö., UGIŞ, A. (2020) "Determining The Activity Pattern of The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) inKastamonu", 1st International Forestry and Nature Tourism Congress 2020 , (pp. 57), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020 KALLECİ, B., EVCİN, Ö., UGIŞ, A. (2020) "Determining The Activity Pattern of The Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) inKastamonu", 1st International Forestry and Nature Tourism Congress 2020 , (pp. 57), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020
2020 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
1st International Forestry and Nature Tourism Congress 2020

Determination Of Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Region and Their Daily Activity Patterns With Camera Traps: Preliminary Results

UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2020) "Determination Of Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Region and Their Daily Activity Patterns With Camera Traps: Preliminary Results", First İnternational Forestry and Nature Tourism E-Congres 'New Approaches and Trends in Forestry' , Kastamonun, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020 UGIŞ, A., AKKUZU, E., EVCİN, Ö. (2020) "Determination Of Large Mammal Species in Kastamonu Region and Their Daily Activity Patterns With Camera Traps: Preliminary Results", First İnternational Forestry and Nature Tourism E-Congres 'New Approaches and Trends in Forestry' , Kastamonun, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020
2020 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
First İnternational Forestry and Nature Tourism E-Congres 'New Approaches and Trends in Forestry'

Using Phototraps for Observing Roe Deers

   EVCİN, Ö., KÜÇÜK, Ö., AKKUZU, E., UGIŞ, A. (2013) "Using Phototraps for Observing Roe Deers", International Caucasian Forestry Symposium, Artvin-TURKEY , (Ekim 2013  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23379"> EVCİN, Ö., KÜÇÜK, Ö., AKKUZU, E., UGIŞ, A. (2013) "Using Phototraps for Observing Roe Deers", International Caucasian Forestry Symposium, Artvin-TURKEY , (Ekim 2013   EVCİN, Ö., KÜÇÜK, Ö., AKKUZU, E., UGIŞ, A. (2013) "Using Phototraps for Observing Roe Deers", International Caucasian Forestry Symposium, Artvin-TURKEY , (Ekim 2013  
2013 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Caucasian Forestry Symposium, Artvin-TURKEY

Using GIS for Wildlife Management

  EVCİN, Ö., Çerçioğlu, M., Adıgüzel, F., UGIŞ, A. (2016) "Using GIS for Wildlife Management", International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016) , (Aralık 2016 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-23388"> EVCİN, Ö., Çerçioğlu, M., Adıgüzel, F., UGIŞ, A. (2016) "Using GIS for Wildlife Management", International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016) , (Aralık 2016  EVCİN, Ö., Çerçioğlu, M., Adıgüzel, F., UGIŞ, A. (2016) "Using GIS for Wildlife Management", International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016) , (Aralık 2016 
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016)