Toplam 21614 kayıt

The Effect of Collective Efficacy on Group Performance regarding Preparing Science Lesson Plans

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2018) "The Effect of Collective Efficacy on Group Performance regarding Preparing Science Lesson Plans", ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018 , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Ekim 2018 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2018) "The Effect of Collective Efficacy on Group Performance regarding Preparing Science Lesson Plans", ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018 , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Ekim 2018
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018

Investigating the Sources of Collective Efficacy in Group Work of Preservice Science Teachers

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2018) "Investigating the Sources of Collective Efficacy in Group Work of Preservice Science Teachers", ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018 , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Ekim 2018 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2018) "Investigating the Sources of Collective Efficacy in Group Work of Preservice Science Teachers", ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018 , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Ekim 2018
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
ERPA International Congresses on Education 2018

Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbook With Respect To Nature Of Science

ATASOY, V. (2014) "Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbook With Respect To Nature Of Science", International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2014 World Conference) , Nevşehir, Türkiye, (Ekim 2014 ATASOY, V. (2014) "Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbook With Respect To Nature Of Science", International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2014 World Conference) , Nevşehir, Türkiye, (Ekim 2014
2014 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2014 World Conference)

A Study on Collective Efficacy Among Preservice Science Teachers

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2016) "A Study on Collective Efficacy Among Preservice Science Teachers", National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) , Baltımore, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Nisan 2016 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2016) "A Study on Collective Efficacy Among Preservice Science Teachers", National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) , Baltımore, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Nisan 2016
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

Investigation Self-regulation and Self-efficacy of Turkish Preservice Teachers towards Teaching Science with respect to Gender and Grade Level

ATASOY, V. (2015) "Investigation Self-regulation and Self-efficacy of Turkish Preservice Teachers towards Teaching Science with respect to Gender and Grade Level", European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2015) , Budapeşte, Macaristan, (Eylül 2015 ATASOY, V. (2015) "Investigation Self-regulation and Self-efficacy of Turkish Preservice Teachers towards Teaching Science with respect to Gender and Grade Level", European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2015) , Budapeşte, Macaristan, (Eylül 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2015)

The Common Strengths and Weaknesses of Preservice Science Teachers in Microteaching

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "The Common Strengths and Weaknesses of Preservice Science Teachers in Microteaching", ERPA 2015 International Congress on Education , Atina, Yunanistan, (Haziran 2015 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "The Common Strengths and Weaknesses of Preservice Science Teachers in Microteaching", ERPA 2015 International Congress on Education , Atina, Yunanistan, (Haziran 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
ERPA 2015 International Congress on Education

Effect of Science Methods Course on Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs of Turkish Preservice Science Teachers

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "Effect of Science Methods Course on Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs of Turkish Preservice Science Teachers", II. International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJERCongress 2015) , Ankara, Türkiye, (Haziran 2015 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "Effect of Science Methods Course on Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs of Turkish Preservice Science Teachers", II. International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJERCongress 2015) , Ankara, Türkiye, (Haziran 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
II. International Eurasian Educational Research Congress (EJERCongress 2015)

Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbooks with respect to Science Process Skills

ATASOY, V. (2015) "Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbooks with respect to Science Process Skills", International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2015 World Conference on Education) , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Haziran 2015 ATASOY, V. (2015) "Examining New Fifth Grade Turkish Science Textbooks with respect to Science Process Skills", International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2015 World Conference on Education) , İstanbul, Türkiye, (Haziran 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Society of Educational Research (iSER 2015 World Conference on Education)

Preservice Science Teachers' Common Mistakes in Lesson Plans

ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "Preservice Science Teachers' Common Mistakes in Lesson Plans", International Conference for the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015) , Helsinki, Finlandiya, (Ağustos 2015 ATASOY, V., Çakıroğlu, J. (2015) "Preservice Science Teachers' Common Mistakes in Lesson Plans", International Conference for the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015) , Helsinki, Finlandiya, (Ağustos 2015
2015 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Conference for the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2015)

5. Sınıf Yeni Fen Bilimleri Dersi Kitabının Argümantasyon Örnekleri Açısından İncelenmesi

ATASOY, V. (2014) "5. Sınıf Yeni Fen Bilimleri Dersi Kitabının Argümantasyon Örnekleri Açısından İncelenmesi", XI. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi (UFBMEK 2014) , Adana, Türkiye, (Eylül 2014 ATASOY, V. (2014) "5. Sınıf Yeni Fen Bilimleri Dersi Kitabının Argümantasyon Örnekleri Açısından İncelenmesi", XI. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi (UFBMEK 2014) , Adana, Türkiye, (Eylül 2014
2014 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
XI. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi (UFBMEK 2014)

An Application of Battery Charging using Buck Converter for the Energy Generated from a Wind Turbine

  Kaya, Ü., ERTUĞRUL, N.T., GÜLEÇ, H.G. (2018) "An Application of Battery Charging using Buck Converter for the Energy Generated from a Wind Turbine", International Congress on Engineering and Life Sciences , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2018 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2156"> Kaya, Ü., ERTUĞRUL, N.T., GÜLEÇ, H.G. (2018) "An Application of Battery Charging using Buck Converter for the Energy Generated from a Wind Turbine", International Congress on Engineering and Life Sciences , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2018  Kaya, Ü., ERTUĞRUL, N.T., GÜLEÇ, H.G. (2018) "An Application of Battery Charging using Buck Converter for the Energy Generated from a Wind Turbine", International Congress on Engineering and Life Sciences , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2018 
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Congress on Engineering and Life Sciences

The feasibility of using annual rings to monitor changes in boron concentrations in air

DOI   ARICAK, B., Kulaç, Ş. (2023) "The feasibility of using annual rings to monitor changes in boron concentrations in air", Kastamonu University, 9 (2) pp. 73-82 [TR Dizin] DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2157"> ARICAK, B., Kulaç, Ş. (2023) "The feasibility of using annual rings to monitor changes in boron concentrations in air", Kastamonu University, 9 (2) pp. 73-82 [TR Dizin] DOI   ARICAK, B., Kulaç, Ş. (2023) "The feasibility of using annual rings to monitor changes in boron concentrations in air", Kastamonu University, 9 (2) pp. 73-82 [TR Dizin] DOI  
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Kastamonu University

The Change of the Concentrations of Boron and Sodium in Some Forest Soils Depending on Plant Species

DOI    ERDEM, R., ÇETİN, M., ARICAK, B., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "The Change of the Concentrations of Boron and Sodium in Some Forest Soils Depending on Plant Species", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (2) [ESCI] DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2158"> ERDEM, R., ÇETİN, M., ARICAK, B., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "The Change of the Concentrations of Boron and Sodium in Some Forest Soils Depending on Plant Species", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (2) [ESCI] DOI    ERDEM, R., ÇETİN, M., ARICAK, B., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "The Change of the Concentrations of Boron and Sodium in Some Forest Soils Depending on Plant Species", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (2) [ESCI] DOI   
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density

DOI   Kuzmına, N., Menshchikov, S., Mohnachev, P., Zavyalov, K., Petrova, I., Özel, H.B., ARICAK, B., Onat, S.M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density", BioResources, 18 (1) pp. 792-803 [SCI Expanded] DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2159"> Kuzmına, N., Menshchikov, S., Mohnachev, P., Zavyalov, K., Petrova, I., Özel, H.B., ARICAK, B., Onat, S.M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density", BioResources, 18 (1) pp. 792-803 [SCI Expanded] DOI   Kuzmına, N., Menshchikov, S., Mohnachev, P., Zavyalov, K., Petrova, I., Özel, H.B., ARICAK, B., Onat, S.M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change of aluminum concentrations in specific plants by species, organ, washing, and traffic density", BioResources, 18 (1) pp. 792-803 [SCI Expanded] DOI  
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Change in Some Heavy Metal Concentrations in Forest Trees by Species, Organ, and Soil Depth

DOI   ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B., ÇETİN, M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change in Some Heavy Metal Concentrations in Forest Trees by Species, Organ, and Soil Depth", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (3) pp. 257-263 [ESCI] DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2160"> ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B., ÇETİN, M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change in Some Heavy Metal Concentrations in Forest Trees by Species, Organ, and Soil Depth", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (3) pp. 257-263 [ESCI] DOI   ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B., ÇETİN, M., ŞEVİK, H. (2023) "Change in Some Heavy Metal Concentrations in Forest Trees by Species, Organ, and Soil Depth", AVES YAYINCILIK A.Ş., 73 (3) pp. 257-263 [ESCI] DOI  
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia

DOI   IŞINKARALAR, K., Koç, İ., Kuzmına, N.A., Menshchikov, S.L., ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B. (2022) "Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19 (0) pp. 12593-12604 [SCI Expanded] DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-2165"> IŞINKARALAR, K., Koç, İ., Kuzmına, N.A., Menshchikov, S.L., ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B. (2022) "Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19 (0) pp. 12593-12604 [SCI Expanded] DOI   IŞINKARALAR, K., Koç, İ., Kuzmına, N.A., Menshchikov, S.L., ERDEM, R., ARICAK, B. (2022) "Determination of heavy metal levels using Betula pendula Roth. under various soil contamination in Southern Urals, Russia", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19 (0) pp. 12593-12604 [SCI Expanded] DOI  
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Forest Operations Planning to Preserve Riparian Ecosystems

Taş, İ., ARICAK, B., Akay, A.E., Demir, A. (2023) "Forest Operations Planning to Preserve Riparian Ecosystems", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 91-97), (Eylül 2023 Taş, İ., ARICAK, B., Akay, A.E., Demir, A. (2023) "Forest Operations Planning to Preserve Riparian Ecosystems", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 91-97), (Eylül 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management”

Effects of Forest Harvesting on Soil Properties of Karacabey Forested Wetlands, Bursa, Turkiye

ARICAK, B., Sarıyıldız, T., Akay, A.E., Tanı, M. (2023) "Effects of Forest Harvesting on Soil Properties of Karacabey Forested Wetlands, Bursa, Turkiye", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 73-81), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023 ARICAK, B., Sarıyıldız, T., Akay, A.E., Tanı, M. (2023) "Effects of Forest Harvesting on Soil Properties of Karacabey Forested Wetlands, Bursa, Turkiye", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 73-81), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management”

Possible Effects of Forest Harvesting Activities on Soil Respiration

ÖZER-GENÇ, Ç., ARICAK, B. (2023) "Possible Effects of Forest Harvesting Activities on Soil Respiration", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 50-53), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023 ÖZER-GENÇ, Ç., ARICAK, B. (2023) "Possible Effects of Forest Harvesting Activities on Soil Respiration", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 50-53), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management”

Investigating the Effects of Salting Roads on the Forest Trees along the Roadway by Using UAV Imagery

ARICAK, B., Taş, İ., Akay, A.E., Sarıyıldız, T. (2023) "Investigating the Effects of Salting Roads on the Forest Trees along the Roadway by Using UAV Imagery", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 33-38), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023 ARICAK, B., Taş, İ., Akay, A.E., Sarıyıldız, T. (2023) "Investigating the Effects of Salting Roads on the Forest Trees along the Roadway by Using UAV Imagery", COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management” , (pp. 33-38), Flagstaff, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Eylül 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
COFE-FETEC 2023 “Forest Operations: A Tool for Forest Management”