Toplam 24177 kayıt

Evaluation Possibilities of Rice Straw in Particleboard Industry

   Akyıldız, M.H., Kesik, H.İ., ÖNCEL, M., OLGUN, Ç. (2015) "Evaluation Possibilities of Rice Straw in Particleboard Industry", Pro Ligno, 11 (4) pp. 130-137    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8313"> Akyıldız, M.H., Kesik, H.İ., ÖNCEL, M., OLGUN, Ç. (2015) "Evaluation Possibilities of Rice Straw in Particleboard Industry", Pro Ligno, 11 (4) pp. 130-137     Akyıldız, M.H., Kesik, H.İ., ÖNCEL, M., OLGUN, Ç. (2015) "Evaluation Possibilities of Rice Straw in Particleboard Industry", Pro Ligno, 11 (4) pp. 130-137    
2015 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Pro Ligno

Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus White rot fungi on Chemical Properties of Beech Fagus orientalis Wood Chips

Link        ATEŞ, S., Akyıldız, D.D., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus White rot fungi on Chemical Properties of Beech Fagus orientalis Wood Chips", KASTAMONU UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF FORESTRY FACULTY, 16 (1) pp. 83-89 [TR Dizin] Link       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8314"> ATEŞ, S., Akyıldız, D.D., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus White rot fungi on Chemical Properties of Beech Fagus orientalis Wood Chips", KASTAMONU UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF FORESTRY FACULTY, 16 (1) pp. 83-89 [TR Dizin] Link        ATEŞ, S., Akyıldız, D.D., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus White rot fungi on Chemical Properties of Beech Fagus orientalis Wood Chips", KASTAMONU UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF FORESTRY FACULTY, 16 (1) pp. 83-89 [TR Dizin] Link       
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Ahşap Malzeme Restorasyonunda Yüzey Temizleme Yöntemleri

Link    Kesik, H.İ., Akyıldız, M.H., Cagatay, K., KARAMANOĞLU, M., Bıçak, S., OLGUN, Ç., Tiftik, A. (2016) "Ahşap Malzeme Restorasyonunda Yüzey Temizleme Yöntemleri", Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Online Dergisi, 0 (2) pp. 1100-1113 Link   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8315"> Kesik, H.İ., Akyıldız, M.H., Cagatay, K., KARAMANOĞLU, M., Bıçak, S., OLGUN, Ç., Tiftik, A. (2016) "Ahşap Malzeme Restorasyonunda Yüzey Temizleme Yöntemleri", Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Online Dergisi, 0 (2) pp. 1100-1113 Link    Kesik, H.İ., Akyıldız, M.H., Cagatay, K., KARAMANOĞLU, M., Bıçak, S., OLGUN, Ç., Tiftik, A. (2016) "Ahşap Malzeme Restorasyonunda Yüzey Temizleme Yöntemleri", Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Online Dergisi, 0 (2) pp. 1100-1113 Link   
2016 Diğer (Teknik, not, yorum, vaka takdimi, editöre mektup, özet, kitap krıtiği, araştırma notu, bilirkişi raporu ve benzeri) SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Online Dergisi

Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Some Industrial Tree Bark Extracts

Link DOI        HAMAD, A.M.A., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., GÜR, M. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Some Industrial Tree Bark Extracts", BioResources, 14 (3) pp. 5657-5671 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8317"> HAMAD, A.M.A., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., GÜR, M. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Some Industrial Tree Bark Extracts", BioResources, 14 (3) pp. 5657-5671 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI        HAMAD, A.M.A., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., GÜR, M. (2019) "Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Some Industrial Tree Bark Extracts", BioResources, 14 (3) pp. 5657-5671 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI       
2019 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Effects of heat treatment on some properties of MDF (medium-density fiberboard)

Link DOI        ATEŞ, S., Kara, H.R., OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E. (2017) "Effects of heat treatment on some properties of MDF (medium-density fiberboard)", WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 12 (3) pp. 158-164 [ESCI] Link DOI       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8320"> ATEŞ, S., Kara, H.R., OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E. (2017) "Effects of heat treatment on some properties of MDF (medium-density fiberboard)", WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 12 (3) pp. 158-164 [ESCI] Link DOI        ATEŞ, S., Kara, H.R., OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E. (2017) "Effects of heat treatment on some properties of MDF (medium-density fiberboard)", WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, 12 (3) pp. 158-164 [ESCI] Link DOI       
2017 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

The effect of hardener on adhesive and fiberboard properties

Link        Üner, B., OLGUN, Ç. (2017) "The effect of hardener on adhesive and fiberboard properties", WOOD RESEARCH, 62 (1) pp. 27-35 [SCI Expanded] Link       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8321"> Üner, B., OLGUN, Ç. (2017) "The effect of hardener on adhesive and fiberboard properties", WOOD RESEARCH, 62 (1) pp. 27-35 [SCI Expanded] Link        Üner, B., OLGUN, Ç. (2017) "The effect of hardener on adhesive and fiberboard properties", WOOD RESEARCH, 62 (1) pp. 27-35 [SCI Expanded] Link       
2017 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Effect of pressing conditions on some surface properties of HDF laminate parquets

      Kara, M.E., Yerlikaya, Z., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of pressing conditions on some surface properties of HDF laminate parquets", INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES, 23 (4) pp. 274-278 [SCI Expanded]       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8322"> Kara, M.E., Yerlikaya, Z., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of pressing conditions on some surface properties of HDF laminate parquets", INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES, 23 (4) pp. 274-278 [SCI Expanded]        Kara, M.E., Yerlikaya, Z., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç. (2016) "Effect of pressing conditions on some surface properties of HDF laminate parquets", INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES, 23 (4) pp. 274-278 [SCI Expanded]       
2016 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Chemical contents and antifungal activity of some durable wood extractives vs Pleurotus ostreatus

Link DOI        ATEŞ, S., GÜR, M., ÖZKAN, O.E., Akça, M., OLGUN, Ç., Güder, A. (2015) "Chemical contents and antifungal activity of some durable wood extractives vs Pleurotus ostreatus", BIORESOURCES, 10 (2) pp. 2433-2443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI       " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8323"> ATEŞ, S., GÜR, M., ÖZKAN, O.E., Akça, M., OLGUN, Ç., Güder, A. (2015) "Chemical contents and antifungal activity of some durable wood extractives vs Pleurotus ostreatus", BIORESOURCES, 10 (2) pp. 2433-2443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI        ATEŞ, S., GÜR, M., ÖZKAN, O.E., Akça, M., OLGUN, Ç., Güder, A. (2015) "Chemical contents and antifungal activity of some durable wood extractives vs Pleurotus ostreatus", BIORESOURCES, 10 (2) pp. 2433-2443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI       
2015 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus


ÖNCEL, M., Köse, C., OLGUN, Ç., Kaymakcı, A. (2022) "ATIK LASTİKLERLE TAKVİYE EDİLEN YONGA LEVHALARIN YOĞUNLUK VE SU ALMA ÖZELLİKLERİ", IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi , (pp. 2), Trabzon, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022 ÖNCEL, M., Köse, C., OLGUN, Ç., Kaymakcı, A. (2022) "ATIK LASTİKLERLE TAKVİYE EDİLEN YONGA LEVHALARIN YOĞUNLUK VE SU ALMA ÖZELLİKLERİ", IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi , (pp. 2), Trabzon, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022
2022 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi


Tekşen, U., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç. (2022) "FARKLI HAMMADDELERDEN ELDE EDİLEN KRAFT LİGNİNLERİNİN KARAKTERİZASYONU VE KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI", IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi , (pp. 48), Trabzon, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022 Tekşen, U., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç. (2022) "FARKLI HAMMADDELERDEN ELDE EDİLEN KRAFT LİGNİNLERİNİN KARAKTERİZASYONU VE KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI", IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi , (pp. 48), Trabzon, Türkiye, (Şubat 2022
2022 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
IV. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi

Chemical Characterization of Sambucus nigra Wood as a Lignocellulosic Raw Material within the scope of Bioenergy Studies.

Gümüşdağ, K., OLGUN, Ç. (2024) "Chemical Characterization of Sambucus nigra Wood as a Lignocellulosic Raw Material within the scope of Bioenergy Studies.", 5. Bioenergy Studies Symposium , (pp. 33), Antalya, Türkiye, (Ocak 2024 Gümüşdağ, K., OLGUN, Ç. (2024) "Chemical Characterization of Sambucus nigra Wood as a Lignocellulosic Raw Material within the scope of Bioenergy Studies.", 5. Bioenergy Studies Symposium , (pp. 33), Antalya, Türkiye, (Ocak 2024
2024 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
5. Bioenergy Studies Symposium

Evaluation Of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Three-Layer Particleboards Containing Waste Plastic from Automobiles

DaraboŠovÁ, A., Mancel, V., ČabalovÁ, I., Krılek, J., OLGUN, Ç., TOR, Ö., ÖNCEL, M. (2023) "Evaluation Of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Three-Layer Particleboards Containing Waste Plastic from Automobiles", Mobilné energetické prostriedky -- Hydraulika Životné prostredie Ergonómia mobilných strojov , (pp. 26-32), Zvolen, Slovakya, (Eylül 2023 DaraboŠovÁ, A., Mancel, V., ČabalovÁ, I., Krılek, J., OLGUN, Ç., TOR, Ö., ÖNCEL, M. (2023) "Evaluation Of Mechanical and Physical Properties of Three-Layer Particleboards Containing Waste Plastic from Automobiles", Mobilné energetické prostriedky -- Hydraulika Životné prostredie Ergonómia mobilných strojov , (pp. 26-32), Zvolen, Slovakya, (Eylül 2023
2023 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Mobilné energetické prostriedky -- Hydraulika Životné prostredie Ergonómia mobilných strojov

Kastamonu da Yetişen Mürver Türlerinin Botanik ve Kullanım Özellikleri

    OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E., Vurdu, H. (2012) "Kastamonu da Yetişen Mürver Türlerinin Botanik ve Kullanım Özellikleri", Kastamonu'nun Doğal Zenginlikleri Sempozyumu , (pp. 46-49), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Ekim 2012   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8331"> OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E., Vurdu, H. (2012) "Kastamonu da Yetişen Mürver Türlerinin Botanik ve Kullanım Özellikleri", Kastamonu'nun Doğal Zenginlikleri Sempozyumu , (pp. 46-49), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Ekim 2012    OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E., Vurdu, H. (2012) "Kastamonu da Yetişen Mürver Türlerinin Botanik ve Kullanım Özellikleri", Kastamonu'nun Doğal Zenginlikleri Sempozyumu , (pp. 46-49), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Ekim 2012   
2012 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Kastamonu'nun Doğal Zenginlikleri Sempozyumu

Chemical Characterization of the Cold-Pressed Seed Residues as a Lignocellulosic Biomass

  OLGUN, Ç., ATEŞ, S. (2020) "Chemical Characterization of the Cold-Pressed Seed Residues as a Lignocellulosic Biomass", 1st International Forestry & Nature Tourism E-Congress (INFONT 2020) , (pp. 36), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8332"> OLGUN, Ç., ATEŞ, S. (2020) "Chemical Characterization of the Cold-Pressed Seed Residues as a Lignocellulosic Biomass", 1st International Forestry & Nature Tourism E-Congress (INFONT 2020) , (pp. 36), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020  OLGUN, Ç., ATEŞ, S. (2020) "Chemical Characterization of the Cold-Pressed Seed Residues as a Lignocellulosic Biomass", 1st International Forestry & Nature Tourism E-Congress (INFONT 2020) , (pp. 36), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2020 
2020 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
1st International Forestry & Nature Tourism E-Congress (INFONT 2020)

Portakal (Citrus X sinensis (L.) Osbeck) Odununun Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mekanik Öözellikleri

   Kesik, H.İ., Kaymakcı, A., OLGUN, Ç., Çağatay, K., TOR, Ö. (2017) "Portakal (Citrus X sinensis (L.) Osbeck) Odununun Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mekanik Öözellikleri", Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu , (pp. 1627-1633), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2017  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-8333"> Kesik, H.İ., Kaymakcı, A., OLGUN, Ç., Çağatay, K., TOR, Ö. (2017) "Portakal (Citrus X sinensis (L.) Osbeck) Odununun Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mekanik Öözellikleri", Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu , (pp. 1627-1633), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2017   Kesik, H.İ., Kaymakcı, A., OLGUN, Ç., Çağatay, K., TOR, Ö. (2017) "Portakal (Citrus X sinensis (L.) Osbeck) Odununun Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Mekanik Öözellikleri", Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu , (pp. 1627-1633), Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Kasım 2017  
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Uluslararası Taşköprü Pompeiopolis Bilim Kültür Sanat Araştırmaları Sempozyumu


ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., Schutt, F., Saake, B. (2016) "LIGNIN AND SUGAR CHARACTERIZATION OF ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS AND ALKALINE EXTRACTION OF STEAM REFINED WHEAT STRAW", International Conference on Forestry and Environment: Challenges and Prospects , Faisalabad, Pakistan, (Kasım 2016 ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., Schutt, F., Saake, B. (2016) "LIGNIN AND SUGAR CHARACTERIZATION OF ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS AND ALKALINE EXTRACTION OF STEAM REFINED WHEAT STRAW", International Conference on Forestry and Environment: Challenges and Prospects , Faisalabad, Pakistan, (Kasım 2016
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
International Conference on Forestry and Environment: Challenges and Prospects

Determination of Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Composition of Some IndustrialTree Barks' Extracts

Hamad, A.M.A., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., GÜR, M. (2018) "Determination of Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Composition of Some IndustrialTree Barks' Extracts", INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING AND LIFE SCIENCE , (pp. 529), Türkiye, (Nisan 2018 Hamad, A.M.A., ATEŞ, S., OLGUN, Ç., GÜR, M. (2018) "Determination of Antioxidant Activities and Chemical Composition of Some IndustrialTree Barks' Extracts", INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING AND LIFE SCIENCE , (pp. 529), Türkiye, (Nisan 2018
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus


OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E., Güney, B., Pattabanoğlu, E.S., GÜNEY, K., GÜR, M. (2017) "CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY INCOLD PRESS OIL OF FENNEL, ANISE, WHITE AND BLACK MUSTARD SEEDS", The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017 OLGUN, Ç., ÖZKAN, O.E., Güney, B., Pattabanoğlu, E.S., GÜNEY, K., GÜR, M. (2017) "CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY INCOLD PRESS OIL OF FENNEL, ANISE, WHITE AND BLACK MUSTARD SEEDS", The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


ÖZKAN, O.E., OLGUN, Ç., GÜNEY, K., GÜR, M., Güney, B. (2017) "CHEMICAL COMPOSITIAN AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITYOF Myristica fragrans Elettaria cardamomum ESSENTIAL OIL", The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017 ÖZKAN, O.E., OLGUN, Ç., GÜNEY, K., GÜR, M., Güney, B. (2017) "CHEMICAL COMPOSITIAN AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITYOF Myristica fragrans Elettaria cardamomum ESSENTIAL OIL", The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Third International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Coriander Galangal Essential Oil

Özkınalı, S., ŞENER, N., GÜR, M., GÜNEY, K., OLGUN, Ç. (2017) "Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Coriander Galangal Essential Oil", The Third International MediterraneanSymposium onMedicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017 Özkınalı, S., ŞENER, N., GÜR, M., GÜNEY, K., OLGUN, Ç. (2017) "Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Coriander Galangal Essential Oil", The Third International MediterraneanSymposium onMedicinal and Aromatic Plants , (Nisan 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
The Third International MediterraneanSymposium onMedicinal and Aromatic Plants