Touchan, R., Anchukaıtıs, K.J., Shıshov, V.V., Kerchouche, D.,
SİVRİKAYA, F., Slımanı, S., Ilmen, R., Attıeh, J., Stephan, J., Hasnaouı, F., Mıtsopoulos, I., Chrıstou, A., Sesbou, A., Cook, B. (2013) "
Tree ring network and climate in the Mediterranean region",
2013 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union (AGU) , (
Aralık 2013)
" data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-22264">
Touchan, R., Anchukaıtıs, K.J., Shıshov, V.V., Kerchouche, D., SİVRİKAYA, F., Slımanı, S., Ilmen, R., Attıeh, J., Stephan, J., Hasnaouı, F., Mıtsopoulos, I., Chrıstou, A., Sesbou, A., Cook, B. (2013) "Tree ring network and climate in the Mediterranean region", 2013 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union (AGU) , (Aralık 2013) Touchan, R., Anchukaıtıs, K.J., Shıshov, V.V., Kerchouche, D., SİVRİKAYA, F., Slımanı, S., Ilmen, R., Attıeh, J., Stephan, J., Hasnaouı, F., Mıtsopoulos, I., Chrıstou, A., Sesbou, A., Cook, B. (2013) "Tree ring network and climate in the Mediterranean region", 2013 Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union (AGU) , (Aralık 2013)
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