Toplam 24173 kayıt

DMD hastalarının yeniden distrofin ifade etme yeteneği kazanan kas liflerinin yeni yaklaşımlar ile analizi

AKPULAT, U., Cirak, S. (2021) "DMD hastalarının yeniden distrofin ifade etme yeteneği kazanan kas liflerinin yeni yaklaşımlar ile analizi", Uluslararası Katılımlı 21. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2021 AKPULAT, U., Cirak, S. (2021) "DMD hastalarının yeniden distrofin ifade etme yeteneği kazanan kas liflerinin yeni yaklaşımlar ile analizi", Uluslararası Katılımlı 21. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi , Kastamonu, Türkiye, (Aralık 2021
2021 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Uluslararası Katılımlı 21. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi

AEBP1/ACLP is upregulated in differentiation, injury repair and fibrotic degeneration of skeletal muscle

  Saka, C.Ö., AKPULAT, U., Onbaşılar, İ., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "AEBP1/ACLP is upregulated in differentiation, injury repair and fibrotic degeneration of skeletal muscle", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 287), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1208"> Saka, C.Ö., AKPULAT, U., Onbaşılar, İ., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "AEBP1/ACLP is upregulated in differentiation, injury repair and fibrotic degeneration of skeletal muscle", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 287), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016  Saka, C.Ö., AKPULAT, U., Onbaşılar, İ., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "AEBP1/ACLP is upregulated in differentiation, injury repair and fibrotic degeneration of skeletal muscle", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 287), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016 
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Klf5 acts as a differentiation switch from proliferation to fusion in myoblasts

  AKPULAT, U., Yıldız, Y., Saka, C.Ö., Akçay, D., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "Klf5 acts as a differentiation switch from proliferation to fusion in myoblasts", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 114), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016 " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1209"> AKPULAT, U., Yıldız, Y., Saka, C.Ö., Akçay, D., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "Klf5 acts as a differentiation switch from proliferation to fusion in myoblasts", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 114), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016  AKPULAT, U., Yıldız, Y., Saka, C.Ö., Akçay, D., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2016) "Klf5 acts as a differentiation switch from proliferation to fusion in myoblasts", FEBS JOURNAL , (pp. 114), Kusadasi, (Eylül 2016 
2016 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

Efficient short splice-switching morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for the treatment of Duchene Muscular Dystrophy

AKPULAT, U., Wang, H., Becker, K., Novak, J., Partridge, T., Cirak, S. (2018) "Efficient short splice-switching morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for the treatment of Duchene Muscular Dystrophy", 6th International BAU-Drug Design Congress , Türkiye, (Aralık 2018 AKPULAT, U., Wang, H., Becker, K., Novak, J., Partridge, T., Cirak, S. (2018) "Efficient short splice-switching morpholino antisense oligonucleotides for the treatment of Duchene Muscular Dystrophy", 6th International BAU-Drug Design Congress , Türkiye, (Aralık 2018
2018 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
6th International BAU-Drug Design Congress

Duchenne kas distrofisi’nin ekson-skipping temelli tedavietkinliğinin artırılması

AKPULAT, U. (2019) "Duchenne kas distrofisi’nin ekson-skipping temelli tedavietkinliğinin artırılması", 16. Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi , Muğla, Türkiye, (Ekim 2019 AKPULAT, U. (2019) "Duchenne kas distrofisi’nin ekson-skipping temelli tedavietkinliğinin artırılması", 16. Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi , Muğla, Türkiye, (Ekim 2019
2019 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
16. Tıbbi Biyoloji ve Genetik Kongresi

Defining new molecular regulators of skeletal muscle fibrosis

AKPULAT, U., Yıldız, Y., Onbaşılar, İ., Cirak, S., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2017) "Defining new molecular regulators of skeletal muscle fibrosis", Annual Meeting of the German Society for Matrix biology entitled “Frontiers in Matrix Biology” , Köln, Almanya, (Mart 2017 AKPULAT, U., Yıldız, Y., Onbaşılar, İ., Cirak, S., Kocaefe, Y.Ç. (2017) "Defining new molecular regulators of skeletal muscle fibrosis", Annual Meeting of the German Society for Matrix biology entitled “Frontiers in Matrix Biology” , Köln, Almanya, (Mart 2017
2017 Tebliğ/Bildiri SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Matrix biology entitled “Frontiers in Matrix Biology”

Türk kadınlarında MDR1 (ABCB1) geni C3435T, C1236T, G2677T/A, A2956G polimorfizmleri ile meme kanseri riski arasındaki ilişki

İçduygu, F.M., Şamlı, H., Evrensel, T., ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Canhoroz, M., Deligönül, A., İmirzalıoğlu, N. (2020) "Türk kadınlarında MDR1 (ABCB1) geni C3435T, C1236T, G2677T/A, A2956G polimorfizmleri ile meme kanseri riski arasındaki ilişki", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 27 (3) pp. 345-352 [TR Dizin]   İçduygu, F.M., Şamlı, H., Evrensel, T., ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Canhoroz, M., Deligönül, A., İmirzalıoğlu, N. (2020) "Türk kadınlarında MDR1 (ABCB1) geni C3435T, C1236T, G2677T/A, A2956G polimorfizmleri ile meme kanseri riski arasındaki ilişki", Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 27 (3) pp. 345-352 [TR Dizin]  
2020 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi

Postmenopozal Östrojen Reseptör Pozitif Meme Kanserinde B7-H4 Geni Varyasyonları / B7-H4 Gene Variations in Postmenopausal Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer

Link DOI   ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Öztürk, K.H., Şamlı, H., Yükseltürk, A., Başkan, Z. (2021) "Postmenopozal Östrojen Reseptör Pozitif Meme Kanserinde B7-H4 Geni Varyasyonları / B7-H4 Gene Variations in Postmenopausal Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer", SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (1) pp. 23-27 [TR Dizin] Link DOI  " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1225"> ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Öztürk, K.H., Şamlı, H., Yükseltürk, A., Başkan, Z. (2021) "Postmenopozal Östrojen Reseptör Pozitif Meme Kanserinde B7-H4 Geni Varyasyonları / B7-H4 Gene Variations in Postmenopausal Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer", SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (1) pp. 23-27 [TR Dizin] Link DOI   ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Öztürk, K.H., Şamlı, H., Yükseltürk, A., Başkan, Z. (2021) "Postmenopozal Östrojen Reseptör Pozitif Meme Kanserinde B7-H4 Geni Varyasyonları / B7-H4 Gene Variations in Postmenopausal Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer", SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (1) pp. 23-27 [TR Dizin] Link DOI  
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi

Sambucus nigra agglutinin as a supporter of docetaxel treatment in metastatic prostate cancer

Link DOI    İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., İÇLİ, N., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., ŞAHİN, Y.N. (2023) "Sambucus nigra agglutinin as a supporter of docetaxel treatment in metastatic prostate cancer", Human Gene, 38 (1) [ESCI] Link DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1226"> İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., İÇLİ, N., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., ŞAHİN, Y.N. (2023) "Sambucus nigra agglutinin as a supporter of docetaxel treatment in metastatic prostate cancer", Human Gene, 38 (1) [ESCI] Link DOI    İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., İÇLİ, N., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., ŞAHİN, Y.N. (2023) "Sambucus nigra agglutinin as a supporter of docetaxel treatment in metastatic prostate cancer", Human Gene, 38 (1) [ESCI] Link DOI   
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Human Gene

Upregulation and the clinical significance of KCNQ1OT1 and HAGLROS lncRNAs in papillary thyroid cancer: An observational study

DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Şengül, D., Alp, E. (2023) "Upregulation and the clinical significance of KCNQ1OT1 and HAGLROS lncRNAs in papillary thyroid cancer: An observational study", Medicine (Baltimore), 102 (29) [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1227"> İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Şengül, D., Alp, E. (2023) "Upregulation and the clinical significance of KCNQ1OT1 and HAGLROS lncRNAs in papillary thyroid cancer: An observational study", Medicine (Baltimore), 102 (29) [SCI Expanded] DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Şengül, D., Alp, E. (2023) "Upregulation and the clinical significance of KCNQ1OT1 and HAGLROS lncRNAs in papillary thyroid cancer: An observational study", Medicine (Baltimore), 102 (29) [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2023 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Medicine (Baltimore)

Low-penetrance susceptibility variants and postmenopausaloestrogen receptor positive breast cancer

DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z. (2020) "Low-penetrance susceptibility variants and postmenopausaloestrogen receptor positive breast cancer", JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 99 (15) pp. 1-10 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1228"> ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z. (2020) "Low-penetrance susceptibility variants and postmenopausaloestrogen receptor positive breast cancer", JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 99 (15) pp. 1-10 [SCI Expanded] DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z. (2020) "Low-penetrance susceptibility variants and postmenopausaloestrogen receptor positive breast cancer", JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 99 (15) pp. 1-10 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2020 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus


DOI    ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z., Tütüncü, İ. (2021) "POSTMENOPAUSAL ESTROGEN RECEPTOR POSITIVE BREAST CANCER AND OBESITY ASSOCIATED GENE VARIANTS", EXCLI Journal, 20 (1) pp. 1133-1144 [SCI Expanded] DOI   " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1229"> ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z., Tütüncü, İ. (2021) "POSTMENOPAUSAL ESTROGEN RECEPTOR POSITIVE BREAST CANCER AND OBESITY ASSOCIATED GENE VARIANTS", EXCLI Journal, 20 (1) pp. 1133-1144 [SCI Expanded] DOI    ÖZGÖZ, A., İçduygu, F.M., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Başkan, Z., Tütüncü, İ. (2021) "POSTMENOPAUSAL ESTROGEN RECEPTOR POSITIVE BREAST CANCER AND OBESITY ASSOCIATED GENE VARIANTS", EXCLI Journal, 20 (1) pp. 1133-1144 [SCI Expanded] DOI   
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
EXCLI Journal

Expression of SOX2OT, DANCR and TINCR long non‑coding RNAs in papillary thyroid cancer and its effects on clinicopathological features

DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., Şengül, D., ÖZGÖZ, A., Alp, E. (2022) "Expression of SOX2OT, DANCR and TINCR long non‑coding RNAs in papillary thyroid cancer and its effects on clinicopathological features", Molecular Medicine Reports, 25 (4) p. 120 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1230"> İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., Şengül, D., ÖZGÖZ, A., Alp, E. (2022) "Expression of SOX2OT, DANCR and TINCR long non‑coding RNAs in papillary thyroid cancer and its effects on clinicopathological features", Molecular Medicine Reports, 25 (4) p. 120 [SCI Expanded] DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Akgün, E., Şengül, D., ÖZGÖZ, A., Alp, E. (2022) "Expression of SOX2OT, DANCR and TINCR long non‑coding RNAs in papillary thyroid cancer and its effects on clinicopathological features", Molecular Medicine Reports, 25 (4) p. 120 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Molecular Medicine Reports

Possibility of paclitaxel to induce the stemness-related characteristics of prostate cancer cells

DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Şamlı, H., ÖZGÖZ, A., Vatansever, B., Öztürk, K.H., Akgün, E. (2021) "Possibility of paclitaxel to induce the stemness-related characteristics of prostate cancer cells", Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 30 (12) pp. 1283-1291 [SCI Expanded] DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1231"> İçduygu, F.M., Şamlı, H., ÖZGÖZ, A., Vatansever, B., Öztürk, K.H., Akgün, E. (2021) "Possibility of paclitaxel to induce the stemness-related characteristics of prostate cancer cells", Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 30 (12) pp. 1283-1291 [SCI Expanded] DOI     İçduygu, F.M., Şamlı, H., ÖZGÖZ, A., Vatansever, B., Öztürk, K.H., Akgün, E. (2021) "Possibility of paclitaxel to induce the stemness-related characteristics of prostate cancer cells", Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 30 (12) pp. 1283-1291 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
2021 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine

miR-221, miR-650 and miR-4534 as diagnostic markers in prostate cancer and their relationship with lymphatic invasion

Link DOI     Öztürk, K.H., İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., Özorak, A. (2022) "miR-221, miR-650 and miR-4534 as diagnostic markers in prostate cancer and their relationship with lymphatic invasion", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 47 (4) pp. 435-443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1232"> Öztürk, K.H., İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., Özorak, A. (2022) "miR-221, miR-650 and miR-4534 as diagnostic markers in prostate cancer and their relationship with lymphatic invasion", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 47 (4) pp. 435-443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     Öztürk, K.H., İçduygu, F.M., ÖZGÖZ, A., Özorak, A. (2022) "miR-221, miR-650 and miR-4534 as diagnostic markers in prostate cancer and their relationship with lymphatic invasion", Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 47 (4) pp. 435-443 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2022 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Turkish Journal of Biochemistry-Turk Biyokimya Dergisi

Genetic Variations of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer

Link DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Başkan, Z., İçduygu, F.M., Bacaksız, M. (2019) "Genetic Variations of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer", PATHOLOGY ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, 25 (1) pp. 107-114 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1233"> ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Başkan, Z., İçduygu, F.M., Bacaksız, M. (2019) "Genetic Variations of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer", PATHOLOGY ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, 25 (1) pp. 107-114 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., Öztürk, K.H., Yükseltürk, A., Şamlı, H., Başkan, Z., İçduygu, F.M., Bacaksız, M. (2019) "Genetic Variations of DNA Repair Genes in Breast Cancer", PATHOLOGY ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, 25 (1) pp. 107-114 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2019 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus

An investigation of the effects of FGFR2 and B7 H4 polymorhisms in breast cancer

Link DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Orhan, B., İçduygu, F.M., Aktepe, F. (2013) "An investigation of the effects of FGFR2 and B7 H4 polymorhisms in breast cancer", Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 9 (3) pp. 370-375 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1235"> ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Orhan, B., İçduygu, F.M., Aktepe, F. (2013) "An investigation of the effects of FGFR2 and B7 H4 polymorhisms in breast cancer", Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 9 (3) pp. 370-375 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI     ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, H., Öztürk, K.H., Orhan, B., İçduygu, F.M., Aktepe, F. (2013) "An investigation of the effects of FGFR2 and B7 H4 polymorhisms in breast cancer", Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 9 (3) pp. 370-375 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
2013 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics

Association of B7-H4 gene polymorphisms in urothelial bladder cancer

DOI      ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, M., Dinçel, D., Şahin, A., İnce, Ü., Sağlıcan, Y., Balcı, F., Şamlı, H. (2017) "Association of B7-H4 gene polymorphisms in urothelial bladder cancer", TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47 (2) pp. 443-446 [SCI Expanded] DOI     " data-bs-content-id="YazarBilgi-1236"> ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, M., Dinçel, D., Şahin, A., İnce, Ü., Sağlıcan, Y., Balcı, F., Şamlı, H. (2017) "Association of B7-H4 gene polymorphisms in urothelial bladder cancer", TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47 (2) pp. 443-446 [SCI Expanded] DOI      ÖZGÖZ, A., Şamlı, M., Dinçel, D., Şahin, A., İnce, Ü., Sağlıcan, Y., Balcı, F., Şamlı, H. (2017) "Association of B7-H4 gene polymorphisms in urothelial bladder cancer", TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 47 (2) pp. 443-446 [SCI Expanded] DOI     
2017 Özgün Makale SCI/SSCI/AHCI ESCI Scopus