Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Farzin ARİANPOUR

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Farzin ARİANPOUR

  • Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi
  • Seramik ve Cam
  • Seramik ve Cam Anasanat Dalı

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Alınan Eğitimler
Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 2009, 2016
Yüksek Lisans, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 2001, 2004
Lisans, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 1997, 2009
Araştırma Alanları
Yıllara Göre Yayın Sayıları
Yıllara Göre Atıf Sayıları
Doktora/Sanatta Yeterlilik/Tıpta Uzmanlık, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 2009, 2016
Lisans, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 1997, 2009
Yüksek Lisans, İran, Iran University Of Science Technology, School Of Metallurgy And Materials Engineering, , 2001, 2004
Kayıt Yok
İngilizce, YÖKDİL, 77, 2019 Yükse, 2019
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[UAK] Mühendislik Malzeme ve Metalurji Mühendisliği
2020-, Doktor Öğretim Üyesi, Tam Zamanlı, Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Seramik ve Cam Bölümü, Türkiye
2017-2021, Öğretim Görevlisi, Tam Zamanlı, Kastamonu Üniversitesi, Muhammed İhsan Oğuz Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, Türkiye
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2021-2022, BÜNYE TASARIMI, Lisans
2021-2022, SIR TEKNOLOJİSİ I, Yüksek Lisans
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ÇAKIR, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2023) "Çelik Üretiminde Ortaya Çıkan Atık Demir Oksit'in Aventurin Sırlarında Yeniden Kullanımı", Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 15 (3) pp. 143-152 [TR Dizin] DOI   
ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A. (2023) "Çelik Üretiminde Ortaya Çıkan Atık Demir Oksit'in Aventurin Sırlarında Yeniden Kullanımı", Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 15 (3) pp. 150-158 [TR Dizin] Link  
ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2022) "Characterization, technological properties, and ceramic applications of Kastamonu alluvial clays (Northern Turkey) in building materials", Elsevier BV, 356 (1) [SCI Expanded] DOI    
ARİANPOUR, F., ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., Behnam, A. (2020) "Characterization and Properties of Sodium Hexa-Fluorosilicate and its Potential Application in the Production of Sodium Fluoride", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 13 (12) pp. 4381-4389 [SCI Expanded] DOI    
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Rezaie, H.R. (2020) "Thermodynamic study of zirconium carbide synthesis via a low-temperature pyrovacuum method", Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 56 (3) pp. 969-977 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
Kazemi, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Taheri, M., Saberi, A., Rezaie, H.R. (2020) "Effects of chelating agents on the sol-gel synthesis of nano-zirconia: Comparison of the Pechini and sugar-based methods", International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 27 (5) pp. 693-702 DOI   
ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2020) "Effect of Kastamonu Red Clay Addition on Color Properties of Ceramic Engobes", American Journal of Engineering Research, (0) Link  
Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Taheri, M., Saberi, A., Rezaie, H.R. (2020) "Effects of chelating agent on sol-gel synthesis of nano zirconia: The comparison of Pechini and sugar-based methods", International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, (0) [SCI] DOI  
Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R. (2020) "Kinetic study of carbothermal reduction of zirconia under vacuum condition", JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 139 (1) pp. 67-73 [SCI Expanded] Link DOI    
ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., ARİANPOUR, F., Ali, B. (2020) "Microstructural Study and Thermal Behavior of Sodium Silicofluoride", Uluslararası Muhendislik Arastirma ve Gelistirme Dergisi, (0) pp. 113-117 [TR Dizin] Link    
ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., GÖKBEL-YAVUZOĞLU, F.M., ARİANPOUR, F. (2019) "Effect of Kastamonu Red Clay Addition on the Properties of Matt Glazes in Art Ceramics Application", American Journal of Engineering Research, 8 (3) pp. 188-195 Link  
Tavassoli, H., Javadpour, J., Taheri, M., Mehrjou, M., Koushki, N., ARİANPOUR, F., Majidi, M., Izadi, J., Negahdari, B., Chan, P., Ebrahimi, M., Bonakdar, S. (2018) "Incorporation of Nanoalumina Improves Mechanical Properties and Osteogenesis of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics", ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 4 (4) pp. 1324-1336 [SCI] DOI    
Naghizadeh, R., Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Taheri, M., Ghaderi, R., Fathalian, M.H., Rezaie, H.R. (2017) "Determination of Cristobalite Phase Content in Ceramic Cores Using Four Different X-ray Quantitative Phase Analysis Methods", Advanced Ceramics Progress, (0)   
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H., Mazaheri, M., Celik, A., Kara, F., Fantozzi, G. (2016) "Processing, phase evaluation and mechanical properties of MoSi2 doped 4TaC-HfC based UHTCs consolidated by spark plasma sintering", International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 56 (1) pp. 1-7 DOI   
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H.R., Mazaheri, M., Çelik, A., Kara, F. (2016) "Processing, phase evaluation and mechanical properties of MoSi2 doped 4TaC-HfC based UHTCs consolidated by spark plasma sintering", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS HARD MATERIALS, 56 (0) pp. 1-7 [SCI] DOI  
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H.R. (2016) "Spark Plasma Sintering of Ultra-high Temperature Tantalum/Hafnium Carbides Composite", Advanced Ceramics Progress, (0)   
Naghizadeh, R., Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Ghaderi, R., Fathalian, M.H., Taheri, M., Rezaie, H.R. (2015) "A novel method for quantitative phase determination of cristobalite in ceramic cores using differential scanning calorimeter", JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 119 (1) pp. 191-195 [SCI] DOI    
Naghizadeh, R., Akbarshahi, P., Sakhaie, K., Heidari, F., Saidie, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2015) "Effects of Different Additives on Sintering Behavior Fused Silica and Crystallization of Cristobalite", Mapna Journal, (0)  
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemi, F., Rezaie, H.R., Asjodi, A., Liu, J. (2013) "Nano Zirconium Carbide Powder Synthesis via Carbothermal Route", DIFFUSION IN SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS VIII, 334335 (0) p. 381 DOI  
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Fard, F.G., Fantozzi, G., Mazaheri, M. (2013) "Processing and consolidation of TaC/HfC based composites using MoSi 2 and carbon nanotubes", Journal of Nano Research, 21 (1) pp. 144-150 DOI   
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Golestanifard, F., Fantozzi, G., Mazaheri, M. (2013) "Processing and Consolidation of TaC/HfC Based Composites Using MoSi2 and Carbon Nanotubes", JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH, 21 (0) pp. 145-150 [SCI] DOI  
Golestanifard, F., Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Khalili, N. (2012) "An Overview on Iran’s Refractories Industry - Challenges and Opportunities", Refractories World Forum, (0)   
Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Naghizadeh, R., Nassiri, A., Assadollahpour, P., Mirhosseini, S.K. (2012) "Effect of fine andalusite on the properties and microstructure of low-cement cordierite-mullite castables", REFRACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL CERAMICS, 53 (4) pp. 220-225 [SCI] DOI    
Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Nasiri, A., Asadolahpour, P., Rezaie, H.R. (2011) "Formulation and Characterization of Ultra Low Cement Mullite-Cordierite Refractory Castables", Journal of Engineering Materials, (0)  
Aslani, S., Hashemi, H.R.S.B., ARİANPOUR, F. (2010) "Beneficiation of Iranian magnesite ores by reverse flotation process and its effects on shaped and unshaped refractories properties", BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 33 (6) pp. 697-705 [SCI] DOI    
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Golestanifard, F. (2010) "Characterization, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Magnesia Refractories Produced from Recycled Refractory Aggregates", Minerals Engineering, 23 (3) pp. 273-276 [SCI] DOI    
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., ARİANPOUR, F., Ghasemzadeh, R., Eslami, S. (2009) "An evaluation on sol-gel chemical processing of refractory barium hexa aluminate fibrous structures", JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH, 10 (2) pp. 148-151 [SCI]    
Naghizadeh, R., Banitabaa, A., ARİANPOUR, F., Panahi, B. (2008) "An Investigation on the Physical, Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Iranian Loushan Refractory Bauxite Mine", Journal of Faculty of Engineering, (0)   
Naghizadeh, R., Banitabaa, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2008) "Physical and Mineralogical Properties of Iranian Shahbolaghi Bauxite Mine and its Applications in Refractory Industries", Journal of Engineering Science, (0)  
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., ARİANPOUR, F. (2005) "An Investigation on the Effects of Phosphate Bond Kaolin Type on the Mechanical Physical Properties of Zirconia Patching Refractories", Journal of Iranian Ceramic Society, (0)  
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., Sarpulaki, H., ARİANPOUR, F. (2005) "Characterization of Silica Ramming Monolithics Used in the Medium Frequency Induction Furnaces", Journal of Engineering Science, (0)   
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R. (2003) "An Investigation on Refractory Materials Used in Aluminum Industries - an Overview", Iranian Aluminum Journal, (0)  
ARİANPOUR, F., ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A. (2023) "Effect Of Low Temperature Heat Treatment On Surface Propertıes And Adsorptıon Of Iron-Rıch Clays", 4th International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress , Antalya, Türkiye, (Kasım 2023
Öztürk, F., ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., Altıner, B., İbi, Ş., ARİANPOUR, F., Oytaç, Z.E., Sağlam, O.E. (2023) "Duvar Karosunda Ilgaz Killerinin Kullanımının Araştırılması", 19. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu (Kil'2023) , Türkiye, (Ekim 2023
ARİANPOUR, F., ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., Kazemi, F., Rezaie, H. (2018) "CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF TWO TYPES OF LOCAL KASTAMONU CLAYS", International Conference on Material Science, Mechanical and Automotive Engineerings and Technology , (Nisan 2018
ARİANPOUR, F., ÇAKIR-ARIANPOUR, A., Kazemi, F., Rezaie, H. (2018) "THERMAL and PHASE CHARACTERIZATION of CARBOTHERMAL REDUCTION of ZIRCONIA", International Conference on Material Science, Mechanical and Automotive Engineerings and Technology , (Nisan 2018
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H.R., Kara, F., Mazaheri, M. (2016) "Spark Plasma Sintering of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Carbides: From Conventional Methods Toward Nano-Engineered Composites", 1st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics , Karaj, İran, (Mart 2016
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H.R., Çelik, A., Kara, F. (2015) "Spark Plasma Sintering of TaC-HfC Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics: Comparison on the Effect of Nano Sized SiC and B4C Additives", 14th International Conference of The European Ceramic Society , Toledo, İspanya, (Haziran 2015
Mazaheri, M., Golestanifard, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Fantozzi, G., Taheri, M. (2015) "Cooking Ceramics in Seconds", 1st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics , (Mart 2015
Saidie, A., Taheri, M., ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R. (2015) "Effects of Ceramic Fiber Addition on the Mechanical properties of Silica based Ceramic Cores", 10th Biennial Congress of the Iranian Ceramic Society , Karaj, İran, (Mart 2015
Naghizadeh, R., Taheri, M., Saidie, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2015) "Effects of Different Additives on Sintering Behavior of Fused Silica and Crystallization of Cristobalite", 10th Biennial Congress of the Iranian Ceramic Society , Karaj, İran, (Mart 2015
Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Talimian, A., Golestanifard, F., Khalili, N. (2013) "Processing and Properties of Freeze Casted Alumina Mullite Refractories", 6th International Symposium on Refractories , Zhengzhou, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, (Ekim 2013
Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Talimian, A., Khalili, N. (2013) "Fabrication and Characterization of Alumina-Mullite Refractories Produced by Freeze Gelation", Iranian 1th Mine International Congress , Tehran, İran, (Mart 2013
Golestanifard, F., Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F. (2013) "Iranian Refractory Raw Materials: Outlooks and Challenges", Iranian 1th Mine International Congress , Tehran, İran, (Mart 2013
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Rezaie, H.R., Asjodi, A. (2012) "Nano Zirconium Carbide Powder Synthesis via Carbothermal Route", 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids DSL2012 , (pp. 381-386), Istanbul, (Haziran 2012  
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rezaie, H.R., Mazaheri, M. (2012) "Processing and Consolidation of TaC/HfC Based Composites Using MoSi2 and Carbon Nanotubes", 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids DSL2012 , Istanbul, (Haziran 2012
Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Naghizadeh, R. (2011) "Iranian Bauxite Processing by Acid Leaching Method", 8th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Tehran, İran, (Mart 2011
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Golestanifard, F. (2009) "An Outlook of Refractory Recycling Experiences in Iran", Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR09 , Salvador, Brezilya, (Ekim 2009 
Kazemı, F., ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F. (2009) "An Investigation on Corrosion Resistance and Microstructure of Magnesia Refractories Produced from Recycled Refractory Aggregates", Sustainability Through Mineral Resource Conservation and Recycling Congress , Cape Town, Güney Afrika, (Haziran 2009
Khezrabadi, M.N., ARİANPOUR, F., Nasiri, A., Abdollahpour, P. (2009) "Formulation and Characterization of Ultra Low Cement Mulite-Cordierite Refractory Castables", 1st National Congress on Refractories , Karaj, İran, (Mayıs 2009
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., Kazemı, F. (2008) "Slag Corrosion and Wear Mechanisms of Magnesia Insulation Refractories in the Steel Industries", 7th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Shiraz, İran, (Mayıs 2008
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Golestanifard, F., Rasti, M. (2008) "On the Reducing the Environmental Pollution of Waste Refractory Materials of Steel Industries by Recycling", ranian Conference on Environment, Steel and Affiliated Industries , Tehran, İran, (Nisan 2008
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemi, F., Golestani-Fard, F., Rasti, M. (2007) "Characterization of spent mgo-c refractory bricks with emphasise on recycling", United European Refractories meet the World: UNITECR 2007 - Unified Int. Tech. Conf. on Refractories; 10th Biennial Worldwide Congress, Proc.; in conj. with the 50th Int. Colloquium on Refractories , (pp. 598-601), (Aralık 2007)  
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Golestanifard, F., Rasti, M. (2007) "Characterization of Spent MgO-C Refractory Bricks with Emphasize on Recycling", Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR07 , Dresden, Almanya, (Ekim 2007
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Golestanifard, F., Rasti, M. (2007) "Recycling of Waste Magnesia Graphite Refractory Bricks from Ladle and EAF", 6th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Tehran, İran, (Mayıs 2007
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F. (2007) "Sol Gel Synthesis of Barium Hexa Aluminate Fibrous Structures", 6th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Tehran, (Mayıs 2007
Rezaie, H.R., ARİANPOUR, F., Naghizadeh, R., Kazemı, F. (2006) "An Evaluation of the Effects of Different Phosphate Binders on the Properties and Microstructure of Tundish Coating Refractories", 46th Aachen Colloquium on Refractories , Aachen, Almanya, (Ekim 2006 
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., Najafi, A. (2006) "An evaluation on the properties of magnesia insulating refractories for tundish coating at different temperatures", UNITECR '05 - Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories: 9th Biennial Worldwide Congress on Refractories , (pp. 781-785), (Mart 2006)  
Najafi, A., Sarpoolaky, H., ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Golestani-Fard, F. (2006) "An investigation on the effects of particle size distribution on the properties and flowability of alumina spinel self flow refractory castables", UNITECR '05 - Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories: 9th Biennial Worldwide Congress on Refractories , (pp. 439-442), (Mart 2006)  
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestani-Fard, F., Rahimi, A. (2006) "New approachs to waste magnesia chrome bricks recycling for refractory castable production used at iranian sarcheshmeh copper complex", UNITECR '05 - Proceedings of the Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories: 9th Biennial Worldwide Congress on Refractories , (pp. 540-543), (Mart 2006) 
ARİANPOUR, F., Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R. (2005) "An Evaluation on the Properties of Magnesia Insulating Refractories for Tundish Coating Applications at Different Temperatures", Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR05 , Orlando, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Ekim 2005
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rahimi, M. (2005) "New Approach to Waste Magnesia Chrome Bricks Recycling for Refractory Castable Production Used at Iranian Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex", Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR05 , Orlando, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, (Ekim 2005
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Samim, H.R., Rahimi, M., Khalili, N. (2004) "The Effects of Copper and Sulfurous Compounds Presence on the Recycle Ability of Wasted Magnesia Chrome Bricks", 16th Iranian Foundrymen Society Congress , Tehran, İran, (Ağustos 2004
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F., Rahimi, M., Shahab, S., Naimi, M. (2004) "Recycling of Wasted Magnesia Chrom Bricks by the Poroduction of Anod Casting Wheels Refractory Castables Coating at Iranian Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex", 8th Iranian Metallurgical Engineers Society Annual Congress , Isfahan, İran, (Temmuz 2004
ARİANPOUR, F., Golestanifard, F. (2004) "On Formation Mechanisms and Measurement of Cr6 Ions in wasted Magnesia Chrome Bricks from Copper Industries by ICP-MS", 5th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Tehran, (Mayıs 2004
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., ARİANPOUR, F. (2003) "Effects of Magnesia and Binder on Tundish Refractories", Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories UNITECR03 , Osaka, (Ekim 2003
Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R., ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F. (2003) "Investigation and Improvements of Tundish Lining Refractories", 4th International Symposium on Refractories , Dalian, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, (Temmuz 2003
ARİANPOUR, F., Naghizadeh, R., Rezaie, H.R., Panahi, B. (2003) "The Effects of Aggregates and Binder Types on the Properties of Tundish Refractory Mixes", Iran Steel Symposium , Yazd, (Mayıs 2003
ARİANPOUR, F., Kazemı, F., Rezaie, H.R., Naghizadeh, R. (2002) "The Effects of Composition on the Properties of Tundish Refractory Mixes", 4th Iranian Ceramic Society Congress , Mashhad, İran, (Mayıs 2002
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Rezaie, H.R., ARİANPOUR, F., Shokuhfar, A. (2013) "Chapter 7: Nanocomposite Materials from Theory to Application", Kitap: New Frontiers of Nanoparticles and Nanocomposite Materials, : Springer, Bölüm Sayfaları: / , ISBN: 978-3-642-14696-1 
Rezaie, H.R., Shokuhfar, A., ARİANPOUR, F. (2012) "Nanocomposite materials from theory to application", Kitap: Advanced Structured Materials, : , Bölüm Sayfaları: 171 / 232,  
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Atıf Sayılarına Göre Yayınlar
A: SCI/SSCI/AHCI, B: ESCI, C: Scopus, D: Uluslararası Alan Index, E: Diğer Uluslararası, F: TR Dizin, G: Uluslararası Kitap, H: Ulusal Kitap, I: Diğer Ulusal, J: Toplam
Sıra Yayın A B C D E F G H I J
1 Incorporation of Nanoalumina Improves Mechanical Properties and Osteogenesis of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics 20 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 21
2 Processing, phase evaluation and mechanical properties of MoSi2 doped 4TaC-HfC based UHTCs consolidated by spark plasma sintering 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
3 Effects of chelating agent on sol-gel synthesis of nano zirconia: The comparison of Pechini and sugar-based methods 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 11
4 Characterization, Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Magnesia Refractories Produced from Recycled Refractory Aggregates 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9
5 Beneficiation of Iranian magnesite ores by reverse flotation process and its effects on shaped and unshaped refractories properties 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 Characterization, technological properties, and ceramic applications of Kastamonu alluvial clays (Northern Turkey) in building materials 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4
7 Characterization of Spent MgO-C Refractory Bricks with Emphasize on Recycling 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
8 Thermodynamic study of zirconium carbide synthesis via a low-temperature pyrovacuum method 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
9 An evaluation on sol-gel chemical processing of refractory barium hexa aluminate fibrous structures 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
10 Characterization and Properties of Sodium Hexa-Fluorosilicate and its Potential Application in the Production of Sodium Fluoride 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
11 Çelik Üretiminde Ortaya Çıkan Atık Demir Oksit'in Aventurin Sırlarında Yeniden Kullanımı 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
12 Effect of Kastamonu Red Clay Addition on the Properties of Matt Glazes in Art Ceramics Application 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
13 Kinetic study of carbothermal reduction of zirconia under vacuum condition 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
14 Spark Plasma Sintering of Ultra-high Temperature Tantalum/Hafnium Carbides Composite 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
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Birlikte çalışılan kişi Aktif Dönem Çalışma Sayısı
Hamıd Reza Rezaie
2002 - 2020 29
Farhad Golestanifard
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2004 - 2016 22
R. Naghizadeh
2002 - 2017 19
Faramarz Kazemı
2002 - 2020 18
Kastamonu Üniversitesi
2018 - 2023 12
M. Nouri Khezrabadi
2009 - 2013 7
M. Taheri
2015 - 2020 7
Mehdı Mazaheri
2012 - 2016 5
Morteza Rasti
Khuzestan Steel Complex (Iran)
2007 - 2008 4
Nader Khalili
2004 - 2013 4
Ferhat Kara
Anadolu Üniversitesi
2015 - 2016 3
H. R. Rezaie
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 - 2013 3
Ahad Saidie
2015 3
Mohammad Rahimi
2004 - 2005 3
Ali Çelik
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi
2015 - 2016 2
Ali Saberi
Universität Bayreuth (Germany)
2020 2
F. Golestani-Fard
Islamic Azad University, Saveh Branch (Iran)
2006 2
Faramarz Kazemi
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2007 - 2020 2
Hamid Reza Rezaie
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 - 2020 2
A. Asjodi
2012 - 2013 2
Abdolkadir Nasiri
2009 - 2011 2
Ali Banitabaa
2008 2
Ali Talimian
2013 2
Bahman Panahi
2003 - 2008 2
Faramerz Kazemi
2018 2
Gılbert Fantozzi
2013 - 2015 2
Hamid Rezaie
2018 2
M. Haj Fathalian
2015 - 2017 2
R. Ghaderi
2015 - 2017 2
Kastamonu Üniversitesi
2019 1
A. Najafi
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 1
A. Rahimi
R and D Department (Iran)
2006 1
A. Shokuhfar
K. N. Toosi University of Technology (Iran)
2012 1
Abolhassan Najafi
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 1
Ali Celik
Anadolu Üniversitesi (Turkey)
2016 1
2023 1
F. Golestani Fard
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2013 1
Farhad Golestani-Fard
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2007 1
2023 1
Ferhat Kara
Anadolu Üniversitesi (Turkey)
2016 1
G. Fantozzi
Matériaux : Ingénierie et science (France)
2013 1
Gilbert Fantozzi
Matériaux : Ingénierie et science (France)
2016 1
H. Sarpoolaky
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 1
Hamidreza Rezaie
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2016 1
M. Mazaheri
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)
2013 1
Mahdiar Taheri
The Australian National University (Australia)
2020 1
Mehdi Mazaheri
National Institute for Materials Science (Japan)
2016 1
Rahim Naghizadeh
Iran University of Science and Technology (Iran)
2006 1
A. Nassiri
2012 1
Aali Behnam
2020 1
Ali Shokuhfar
2013 1
Babak Negahdari
2018 1
Behnam Aali
2019 1
Behnam Ali
2020 1
Burak Altıner
2023 1
F. Kazemi
2013 1
Fateme Heidari
2015 1
Fatih Öztürk
2023 1
H. R. Samim Bani Hashemi
2010 1
Hamid Reza Samim
2004 1
Hossein Sarpulaki
2005 1
Hossein Tavassoli
2018 1
J. Liu
2013 1
Jafar Javadpour
2018 1
Jalal Izadi
2018 1
Komeil Sakhaie
2015 1
Majid Ebrahimi
2018 1
Mehdi Naimi
2004 1
Mohammad Majidi
2018 1
Morteza Mehrjou
2018 1
Newsha Koushki
2018 1
Onur Emre Sağlam
2023 1
P. Assadollahpour
2012 1
Parisa Abdollahpour
2009 1
Parisa Akbarshahi
2015 1
Parisa Asadolahpour
2011 1
Peggy Chan
2018 1
R. Ghasemzadeh
2009 1
S. Aslani
2010 1
S. Eslami
2009 1
S. Kh. Mirhosseini
2012 1
Said Shahab
2004 1
Shahin Bonakdar
2018 1
Şerife İbi
2023 1
Zehra Emel Oytaç
2023 1
Alan Adı Alandaki Toplam Öğretim Elemanı Sayısı
TÜBİTAK Araştırma Alanı Fen ve Mühendislik 50742
YÖKSİS Temel Alan Mühendislik Temel Alanı 25083
YÖKSİS Bilim Alanı Malzeme ve Metalurji Mühendisliği 1223
Anahtar Kelimeler -
Performans Kriteri 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Ağırlıklı Puan 105 65 15 60 35 235 0 50 22 0 0
Sıra (Araştırma Alanı İçinde) 555 . 602 . 702 . 611 . 625 . 387 . - 651 . 638 . - -
Sıra (Temel Alan İçinde) 368 . 419 . 517 . 432 . 469 . 236 . - 489 . 520 . - -
Sıra (Bilim Alanı İçinde) 130 . 138 . 154 . 123 . 130 . 49 . - 138 . 152 . - -
Toplam Yayın 7 2 1 3 3 6 0 1 3 0 0
Toplam Makale 2 2 1 1 1 6 0 1 1 0 0
Toplam Kitap 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toplam Bildiri 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0
Makale (SCI) 1 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0
Makale (Uluslararası) 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
Makale (Ulusal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Kitap Yazarlığı 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kitap Bölümü Yazarlığı 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bildiri (Uluslararası) 5 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 0
Bildiri (Ulusal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Atıfları ve Metrikleri
Atıfları ve Metrikleri